Swift Integrated Logistics Sdn Bhd (formerly known as MISC Integrated Logistics Sdn Bhd) is looking out for young energetic talents to be groomed as our future leaders and be part of the winning team.
- Malaysian citizen
- Fresh graduates, or graduates with less than 1 year working experience
- Bachelor Degree in the following disciplines: Logistics/Transportation/Supply Chain Management/Business Admin./Marketing/International Business/Economic/Human Resources/Finance
- CGPA of 3.0 and above
- Active in extra-curricular activities in Univ. @ school
- Proficient in Bahasa Malaysia & English (spoken & written)
- Ready for challenges & be geographically mobile
- Age 25 years and below
Interested candidates are invited to send in their CV/Resume to nurulaini@swiftlogistics.com.my
As an employer, we have groomed many young people and here's the chance for you to be one.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Sakit lutut? Ada masalah pelawasan di bulan Ramadhan?
Assalamualaikum semua...
Macam mana dengan puasa? Okay?
Moga semuanya okay dan mendapatkan keberkatan ye... Aminnn

Anyway... Sajalah nk berkongsi... Dulu.. Saya mmg ada masalah lutut.. Sejak umur 27 tahun.. Dah perasan.. Tapi byk supplement try x menjadi... Tapi setelah 4 tahun menunggu... Jumpa akhirnya produk yg sesuai...
Pernah dengar QASEH GOLD? jujur saya ckp... Masa 1st nk try tu... Mmg tertanya2...okay ke produk ni... Ada side effect x... Hmmmm tapi berani kan diri tuk cuba sbb yakin dengan ingredients dia... Ada kurma, habatussaudaq dan mcm2 lain... Alhamdulillah mmg berkesan... Bukan tu je... Pelawasan mmg tip top.. Dulu bergantung pada yakult etc. Tapi sejak minum Qaseh Gold PREMIER... teramat bersyukur... 2 masalah saya dapat diuruskan dgn baik melalui 1 produk sahaja...
Sooo apa lagi... Jom cuba! Kita ikhtiar selagi boleh and in sha allah pasti akan Ketemu jodoh yang sesuai... Allah Maha Mengetahui kan?
Apa lagi... Jom whatsapp... In sha allah kehidupan akan berubah hanya dgn satu text...😉
Aini, 013-311 7003
saya akan cuba bantu yg mana boleh ye...
Sama2 la kita jaga kesihatan untuk diri sendiri dan juga keluarga...
Macam mana dengan puasa? Okay?
Moga semuanya okay dan mendapatkan keberkatan ye... Aminnn

Anyway... Sajalah nk berkongsi... Dulu.. Saya mmg ada masalah lutut.. Sejak umur 27 tahun.. Dah perasan.. Tapi byk supplement try x menjadi... Tapi setelah 4 tahun menunggu... Jumpa akhirnya produk yg sesuai...
Pernah dengar QASEH GOLD? jujur saya ckp... Masa 1st nk try tu... Mmg tertanya2...okay ke produk ni... Ada side effect x... Hmmmm tapi berani kan diri tuk cuba sbb yakin dengan ingredients dia... Ada kurma, habatussaudaq dan mcm2 lain... Alhamdulillah mmg berkesan... Bukan tu je... Pelawasan mmg tip top.. Dulu bergantung pada yakult etc. Tapi sejak minum Qaseh Gold PREMIER... teramat bersyukur... 2 masalah saya dapat diuruskan dgn baik melalui 1 produk sahaja...
Sooo apa lagi... Jom cuba! Kita ikhtiar selagi boleh and in sha allah pasti akan Ketemu jodoh yang sesuai... Allah Maha Mengetahui kan?
Apa lagi... Jom whatsapp... In sha allah kehidupan akan berubah hanya dgn satu text...😉
Aini, 013-311 7003
saya akan cuba bantu yg mana boleh ye...
Sama2 la kita jaga kesihatan untuk diri sendiri dan juga keluarga...
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Port Dickson Hotels - Review
Assalamualaikum semua...
Lama sungguh rasanya tak berkongsi cerita kat blog ni...i think for the past hmmm...berapa tahun ye...last post 2013...now 2017.....OMG!!! 4 YEARS okay....
Okay la... I think im gonna be ACTIVE posting my own review tentang hotel2 yg pernah i stay... Start dgn PORT DICKSON:
- love the room
- the food
- parking space
- facilities
- plg best THE VIEW... mmg win
Cons--> nearby area takde kedai makan yang dekat, sooo prepare yourself to start your engine tuk cari makan ya especially dinner time
- if looking at previous MANAGEMENT, mmg tip top... Mmg i jadi regular customer and every raya mesti book situ... However since ada kes budak drown dkt swimming pool, mmg bawa malapetaka pada hotel tu... Management dah tukar and the hotel got worse... Everything gone... From the room appearance till parking space... All the facilities pun teruk.. Leakage and so forth.. Tambah lg... Byk kes Berhantu even my family pun pernah alami sendiri...
- since then we all tak stay kat situ lg... Tapi.. Looking at the positive side.. That hotel ada potential... Easy access to beach and swimming pool facing the beach.. Really nice...hmmm syg seribu kali syg
- parking Susahhhh!!!
- check in kat ground floor??!! Funny... Turun tangga lak tu.. Mmg x sesuai if bawak parents yg tak larat tuk naik turun tangga
- swimming pool? Naaahhh.. Just forget it
- the room? NO CARPET!!! balik je rumah..satu badan skt sbb lantai bilik hotel sejuk macam ais..dah la xde slipper which usually hotel akan provide
- tapi breakfast dia... Tip top... That will be the only thing yg buat i nak stay situ... Makanan dia... Hahahaha
Next post i review Melaka hotels okay.... Stay tune... Muah2
Lama sungguh rasanya tak berkongsi cerita kat blog ni...i think for the past hmmm...berapa tahun ye...last post 2013...now 2017.....OMG!!! 4 YEARS okay....
Okay la... I think im gonna be ACTIVE posting my own review tentang hotel2 yg pernah i stay... Start dgn PORT DICKSON:
- love the room
- the food
- parking space
- facilities
- plg best THE VIEW... mmg win
Cons--> nearby area takde kedai makan yang dekat, sooo prepare yourself to start your engine tuk cari makan ya especially dinner time
- if looking at previous MANAGEMENT, mmg tip top... Mmg i jadi regular customer and every raya mesti book situ... However since ada kes budak drown dkt swimming pool, mmg bawa malapetaka pada hotel tu... Management dah tukar and the hotel got worse... Everything gone... From the room appearance till parking space... All the facilities pun teruk.. Leakage and so forth.. Tambah lg... Byk kes Berhantu even my family pun pernah alami sendiri...
- since then we all tak stay kat situ lg... Tapi.. Looking at the positive side.. That hotel ada potential... Easy access to beach and swimming pool facing the beach.. Really nice...hmmm syg seribu kali syg
- parking Susahhhh!!!
- check in kat ground floor??!! Funny... Turun tangga lak tu.. Mmg x sesuai if bawak parents yg tak larat tuk naik turun tangga
- swimming pool? Naaahhh.. Just forget it
- the room? NO CARPET!!! balik je rumah..satu badan skt sbb lantai bilik hotel sejuk macam ais..dah la xde slipper which usually hotel akan provide
- tapi breakfast dia... Tip top... That will be the only thing yg buat i nak stay situ... Makanan dia... Hahahaha
Next post i review Melaka hotels okay.... Stay tune... Muah2
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